domenica 25 maggio 2008
domenica 18 maggio 2008
walk on
ho smesso di riflettere. e resto muta aspettando l'abbraccio del Grande Mistero. l'ho cercato passeggiando per le strade di una città che non mi appartiene, l'ho cercato lasciando che l'acqua mi scivolasse addosso per far tacere il mio dolore. ma ho solo incontrato la rabbia dell'altro e sono rimasta annichilita. come da bambina di fronte a qualcuno che alzava la voce, a uno schiaffo che non comprendevo. non sono adatta alla vita. non ho le unghie. mi aspetto sempre comprensione, spiegazioni, amore. ma non posso cambiare. e continuerò ad aggirarmi con la mia incapacità di vivere, ascoltando l'eco lontana della voce del Grande Spirito che allieverà il mio dolore. non so vivere ma so amare. e continuerò a camminare cercando di non calpestare la formica che mi attraversa la strada.
I've stopped thinking. and i'm dumb waiting for the Great Mystery hug. I've been looking for it wandering about the streets in a city that doesn't belong to me, I've been looking for it letting water drop on me to shut my pain up. yet i've just met the other's rage and i've been annihilated. like i was annihilated as a child before someone raising their voice, a slap in the face i didn't understand. i'm not cut out for life. i don't have nails. i always expect understanding, explanations, love. but i can't change. and i'll keep on roaming with my disability to live, listening to the distant echo of the Great Mystery which will ease my pain. i don't know how to live but i know how to love. and i'll keep on walking trying not to to tread on the ant crossing my path.
I've stopped thinking. and i'm dumb waiting for the Great Mystery hug. I've been looking for it wandering about the streets in a city that doesn't belong to me, I've been looking for it letting water drop on me to shut my pain up. yet i've just met the other's rage and i've been annihilated. like i was annihilated as a child before someone raising their voice, a slap in the face i didn't understand. i'm not cut out for life. i don't have nails. i always expect understanding, explanations, love. but i can't change. and i'll keep on roaming with my disability to live, listening to the distant echo of the Great Mystery which will ease my pain. i don't know how to live but i know how to love. and i'll keep on walking trying not to to tread on the ant crossing my path.
domenica 11 maggio 2008
The 11th Hour Trailer
The 11th Hour is a new documentary from Leonardo DiCaprio about the state of humanity and the world. Join the action at
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