giovedì 11 dicembre 2008

The English Patient - Survivor


To make a long story short
To make a short story long
I don’t know
How we ended up here.
The Fear was near
The hurt, my heart.
You say “I’m strong,
Hold on. It’s gone
Hold on.”
The trust
Too fast
It’s past
Like dust
And rust.
But you were wrong
And I’m alone.

The needle, the pain
Rushing through my veins.
Blurry stars
So far
Like scars
On my skin
Doom is my kin.
The empty room.
A knife equals life
My life.
A wood of Solitude
Empty hands
No friends
Don’t understand
Why am I alone?

To make a short story long.
To make a long story short.

I am

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