mercoledì 31 dicembre 2008

new year


Autumn finally has come.
Its cold and damp
And Life goes on.
My dear friend,
All I want to say is
All is quiet on the Western Front.

Every river tells a secret
A silver whisper in your ear.
My friend, memories shall grow dim
And water on your lips will taste like beer.

Some people really live the life
I dreamt about as a child.
They buy a house, sit on the porch
And day by day they just grow old.

Every river tells a secret
A silver whisper in your ear.
My friend, memories shall grow dim
And water on your lips will taste like beer.

My dear friend, another Winter
Is to fall down upon our shoulders.
I wanna be home for Xmas
To tell my wife she is my Life.

And Ill love her til the end of the World.
Looking in your eyes I see two pearls.
I hold your hands and touch your Soul.
Please, dont die while Im away.
Please, dont die while Im awake.
Please, dont die while Im on my way

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